Leagues Played
Vietnam U19 Championship 5
Related Teams
The PVF-CAND U19 soccer team from Vietnam is a highly talented and promising group of young athletes. PVF stands for Promotion Fund of Vietnamese Football Talents, which is a renowned football academy in Vietnam known for nurturing and developing young footballers. CAND refers to the People's Public Security newspaper, which is the sponsor of the team.

The PVF-CAND U19 team consists of players under the age of 19 who have been carefully selected for their exceptional skills, dedication, and potential. These players have undergone rigorous training and development programs at the PVF academy, which has equipped them with a strong foundation in technical abilities, tactical understanding, and physical fitness.

The team is known for its disciplined and organized style of play, with a focus on teamwork, quick passing, and intelligent movement off the ball. They exhibit a high level of technical proficiency, displaying excellent ball control, accurate passing, and precise shooting. The players also possess great speed, agility, and endurance, allowing them to maintain a high tempo throughout the game.

PVF-CAND U19 has achieved significant success in domestic and international competitions. They have consistently performed well in the Vietnam U19 National Championship, often reaching the final stages and challenging for the title. Additionally, they have represented Vietnam in various international tournaments, showcasing their skills against top teams from around the world.

The team is led by experienced and knowledgeable coaches who provide guidance and support to the players, helping them reach their full potential. The coaching staff emphasizes the importance of discipline, hard work, and a strong work ethic, instilling these values in the players both on and off the field.

The PVF-CAND U19 team is a testament to the growing talent and potential of Vietnamese football. With their skill, determination, and passion for the game, they are poised to make a significant impact in the future of Vietnamese soccer and potentially on the international stage as well.