Player Head to Head - Lachie Neale

Leagues Played
AFL Brownlow Medal 2022 1
Lachie Neale is a highly skilled and versatile player for the Australian Rules team. Standing at 5'11" and weighing 185 pounds, Neale possesses a strong and agile physique that allows him to excel in various positions on the field.

As a midfielder, Neale is known for his exceptional ball-handling skills and ability to read the game. He has a keen eye for finding open teammates and delivering accurate passes, making him a valuable playmaker for his team. Neale's agility and quickness also enable him to navigate through tight spaces and evade opponents, creating scoring opportunities for his team.

In addition to his playmaking abilities, Neale is also a prolific goal scorer. He has a powerful and accurate kick, allowing him to score from long distances. His ability to find the back of the net consistently makes him a dangerous threat to opposing teams.

Neale's work rate and determination are also commendable. He is known for his relentless pursuit of the ball and his willingness to put his body on the line for the team. Neale's tenacity and competitiveness make him a valuable asset in contested situations, often coming out on top in one-on-one battles.

Off the field, Neale is a respected leader and role model for his teammates. He leads by example, displaying a strong work ethic and dedication to his craft. Neale's professionalism and commitment to the team's success make him a highly regarded player both on and off the field.

Overall, Lachie Neale is a dynamic and influential player for the Australian Rules team. His versatility, skill set, and leadership qualities make him an integral part of his team's success. Whether it's creating scoring opportunities, scoring goals himself, or providing strong defensive efforts, Neale consistently delivers for his team.