AS Cozes is a passionate and dedicated soccer team based in the small town of Cozes, France. The team is known for their strong sense of community and camaraderie both on and off the field. With a rich history and tradition of success, AS Cozes has built a reputation for their skilled players and competitive spirit.

The team's colors of blue and white are proudly displayed on their uniforms as they take to the field to compete against other local teams in the region. AS Cozes is led by a talented coaching staff who work tirelessly to develop the skills and tactics of each player, ensuring that they are always at the top of their game.

Fans of AS Cozes can always expect an exciting and entertaining match when they come out to support their team. Whether playing at home in their beloved stadium or traveling to face off against rivals, AS Cozes always gives their all and plays with heart.

AS Cozes is more than just a soccer team - they are a symbol of pride and unity for the town of Cozes. With a strong sense of sportsmanship and a commitment to excellence, AS Cozes continues to inspire and uplift their community with each game they play.