Sokol Bohumin

Leagues Played
Czech Republic Regional League 30
Related Teams
Sokol Bohumin Women
Sokol Bohumin is a professional volleyball team based in the city of Bohumin, Czech Republic. The team was founded in 1945 and has since become one of the most successful volleyball teams in the country. The team is known for its strong and aggressive playing style, which has earned them a reputation as a formidable opponent on the court.

Sokol Bohumin has a talented roster of players, including some of the best volleyball players in the Czech Republic. The team is led by a skilled coaching staff that has helped them achieve numerous victories over the years. The team's players are known for their exceptional skills in serving, blocking, and spiking, which make them a force to be reckoned with on the court.

Sokol Bohumin has a strong fan base, with supporters who are passionate about the team and its success. The team's home games are always well-attended, with fans cheering on their favorite players and creating an electric atmosphere in the arena.

Overall, Sokol Bohumin is a highly respected and successful volleyball team that has earned a reputation as one of the best in the Czech Republic. With a talented roster of players and a dedicated coaching staff, the team is poised for continued success in the years to come.