Jinnah Cc

Leagues Played
ECS T10 Sweden Stockholm 10
The Sweden cricket team, known as Jinnah CC, is a talented and competitive group of players who represent their country in international cricket competitions. Named after the founder of Pakistan, Muhammad Ali Jinnah, the team embodies the spirit of unity and sportsmanship on the field.

Jinnah CC is known for their strong batting lineup, solid bowling attack, and exceptional fielding skills. They have a reputation for playing aggressive and entertaining cricket, always striving to give their best performance in every match they play.

The team is made up of dedicated and passionate players who train hard to improve their skills and tactics. They have a strong team spirit and camaraderie, which helps them work together effectively on the field.

Jinnah CC is a team to watch out for in international cricket tournaments, as they continue to make strides in the sport and represent Sweden with pride and determination.